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North Wake Church

Missionary Intern Program


To prepare and develop individuals and couples called to cross-cultural missions in the areas of leadership, personal theology, relationships and the local church.  Individuals who complete the program will be better connected to their local sending church (North Wake Church), as well as, better prepared for the orientation and application process of their individual sending partners. 


Participants in the program Missionary Intern Program must:

1.  Be members of North Wake Church (or in the process of becoming members through the North Wake membership class).

2.  Understand a specific calling to cross-cultural missions.

3.  Students enrolled at Southeastern should be enrolled in the 2+2/ 2+3 International Church Planting degree, or equivalent Masters of Divinity degree, or comparable Master of Arts degree at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (in conjunction with the International Mission Board, SBC).

4.  Missionary interns may also choose to be sent via another para-church missions agency. 


The program will consist of a number of monthly sessions or events in which candidates will be asked to attend covering the study and practical application in one or more of the above four concentrations (i.e. leadership, personal theology, relationships and the church).  Couples and individuals will also be assigned to a member of the North Wake leadership team for quarterly relational connection.


The program runs annually from September through August.  


To apply complete the MIP application and submit to Rob Craig at  You may download the application by clicking here.